Our Experience

Our team has worked alongside a cohort of diverse industry leading organizations

Air Force

Developed the F16 flight avionics code and performed maintenance.

Charter Spectrum

A leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator in 41 states. PSG actively supplies staffing to Charter Spectrum through our lean recruiting models.


Lead engineering for Automated Booster Assembly and Check-Out System for the Space Shuttle (NASA) and various subsystems of the Pegasus Rocket System (DARPA).

Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX)

Enterprise grade Global Healthcare Information Management System that included inventory, order processing, content management including J&J, Siemens, GE, Abbott, Baxter, Boston Scientific and many more. (Vignette, Java, Oracle, C, C++, Web Services, and hundreds of integrations)

General Telephone & Electronics (GTE)

Service delivery for GTE from order to dial tone. CTO and Chief Architect for AI baseline assignment and load balancing system for all ISDN provisioning. (Client Server, CORBA, C++, AI Rules Based Stack (CLIPS))


Spacecraft Design for solar observer including flight Computer, Operating System, and Ground Station software. (C, Embeded Systems, Unix, MS-DOS)


State of the art mobile and web applications framework that allows for an AI engine to respond in the moment. (Angular, Laravel, Postgres, AI, Python, PHP, IOS Native, Android Kotlin)


Lead an SAP offshore learning and development effort including creating curriculum, designing learning schedules, and implementing all training.


Lead engineering Flight Software for Spacecraft Systems including SeaStar, Orb Comm, and APEX (P90-6) (Orbital Sciences Corp) including AI systems, communication networks, protocols and operating systems.

National Park Service

Lead development for new NPS workflows allowing the Park Service to conduct new surveys and actively track existing surveys.

Skill Survey

Complete HR assessments for candidates and 360 degree performance reviews.


Product management: supplying timely deliverables in accordance to the roadmap for Conservation Desktop and its other related systems. Producing technology solutions monetary transactions and process automation.